Category Archives: Office

Office related, outlook, onenote, visio, word, excel..

Semesterkalkylatorn – beräkna din semesterersättning och antal intjänade semesterdagar

Semesterkalkylatorn beräknar antal intjänade semesterdagar samt intjänad semesterersättning för en angiven tidsperiod

Du behöver endast ange startdatum, slutdatum, berättigat antal semesterdagar per år samt månadslön för att få fram hur många semesterdagar du tjänat in under perioden samt hur mycket din semesterersättning per dag och totalt blir.
För anställda som inte har kollektivavtal eller har en rörlig lönedel gäller andra beräkningsmodeller. Du hittar mer nyttig info på Unionen

Just nu blev det ett Excelblad för denna beräkning, men den kommer troligen snart som en webbsida när jag tagit mig tid att göra den 🙂

Nu finns där du kan beräkna semesterdagar och semesterlön.



OBS! Du måste ha en svensk version av Excel för att kalkylen ska fungera.

Ladda ner Semesterkalkylatorn



Outlook Anywhere

Outlook 2007 outside the office (RPC over HTTP)

How to set up Outlook to work outside the office with no need for a VPN connection.

This will only work if your Mail administrator has configured the mailserver correctly.
If you are an administrator read my article Outlook Anywhere settings from GPO to learn how to enable these settings via GPO.

I usually send my own version of this HowTo to users I am administering (when the GPO settings is not an option), because then I can show them exactly how to do it with the correct values (it is easy to get confused when you don’t work with IT).

But for you I think these guides from Microsoft will be better.

If the link doesn’t work, google for “Use Outlook Anywhere to connect to your Exchange server without VPN”

Om länken inte fungerar så googla efter “Använda funktionen Outlook överallt för att ansluta till din Exchange-server utan ett VPN”

Outlook Anywhere settings from GPO

If you want to make sure all of your employees (ok, maybe not yours but you get it) have the right settings in their Outlook profile so that they can always use the mail client even when they are outside of the office, you should push these settings from a GPO.

Download Template

Download this file

Save the file temporary to your desktop or directly to %WinDir%inf

Set up the GPO

Open the GPMC and create a new group policy with an easy to understand name like “Outlook 2007 Anywhere”

Edit the GPO

Add the template to the “Outlook 2007 Anywhere” GPO

  1. Right click on “Administrative Templates” under User Configuration and chose “Add/remove Templates” from the drop down menu.
  2. Click “Add”

    and select the file named “article-961112.adm” (if you saved the file to the desktop just drag it in to this window) and Click “Open”
  3. Now that the template is added click “Close”

Configure the Outlook Anywhere template

Now open the added template and change the configuration to meet your needs.

  1. RPC/HTTP Connection Flags
    Enable the setting and pick the flags you need
    Flag1: Enables the ‘Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP checkbox’ on the Connection tab.
    Flag2: Enables the ‘Connect using SSL only’ checkbox
    Flag3: Enables the ‘Only connect to proxy servers that have this principal name in their certificate’ checkbox
    Flag4: Enables the ‘On fast networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP’ checkbox
    Flag5: is not implemented as an option in Outlook 2007 so it is not included in any policy settings.
    Flag6: Enables the ‘On slow networks, connect using HTTP first, then connect using TCP/IP’ checkbox
  2. Proxy Server Name
    Enable the setting and specify the server name, this should be your DNS MX record.
  3. Only connect if Proxy Server certificate has principal name
    Enable the setting and enter your certificates common name, if you have a wildcard certificate it will look like on the image but if you have a single server certificate it is probably the same as the DNS MX record.
  4. Proxy authentication setting
    Enable the setting and choose authentication type. This should be set to “NTLM authentiction”.

Now all you have to do is to link the GPO to the domain and wait for the replication and policy update times.
If you have users that are connected to the domain via VPN make sure that the GPO “Slow link detection” is configured to your meet needs.